4FrontED has four pillars or priorities:  economic development, infrastructure, tourism, and education. As a standing committee, its economic development efforts are geared to advancing the binational megaregion’s economic health and expanding economic opportunities for residents through collaboration and cooperation. In support of this effort, an Economic Development Summit was held in 2018 to accelerate economic development cooperation and inform the megaregion’s elected officials, higher education leaders, tourism officials, and economic development representatives about the megaregion's assets, economic challenges, and opportunities.

Economic Development Committee │ Staff Leaders:  Jeff Burt and Angelica Castro

Specific areas of attention for Economic Development:

Infrastructure Committee │ Staff Leaders:  Jenny Torres and Richard Marsh

Specific areas of attention for Infrastructure Development:

Education Committee │ Staff Leader: Alejandro Figueroa

The Education Committee's primary objective is broadening the educational exchange between the megaregion’s educational institutions and Mexico.  To achieve this objective, 4FrontED staff supporting this committee have established a binational education task force that includes representatives from Arizona Western College, the Greater Yuma Economic Development Corporation, and the Universidad Politécnica de Baja California. This task force created the Four Borders International Academic Alliance (Arizona - Baja California - Sonora).  Members of this alliance include the United States Arizona Western College, the University of Arizona, Northern Arizona University, and Arizona State University.  The universities from Mexico participating in the alliance include the Universidad Politécnica de Baja California, the Instituto Tecnólogico de Mexicali, the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, the Universidad  Tecnológica de San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora, the Universidad Tecnológica de Guaymas, Sonora, the Universidad Tecnológica de Etchojoa, Sonora, the Universidad Tecnológica de Hermosillo, Sonora, among other institutions.

A secondary objective for the Education Committee is to make the 4FrontED Binational Megaregion an entrepreneurial hub by leveraging the U.S. entrepreneurial visa program that can promote new business start-ups and innovation. While this program is its initial implementation phase, the Committee has already included the Region's Startup Day as part of its annual program, and participation includes budding entrepreneurs from Yuma County, Baja California, and Sonora. Also, the Committee has begun working with the Mexican Consulate in Yuma to formalize the careers that will be the focus of exchange programs between educational staff and students from both the U.S. and Mexico. 

Tourism Committee │ Staff Leaders: Marlene Lara / Angelica Castro

The travel and tourism industry is a highly-ranked Arizona export industry. Communities throughout the state benefit from the tax revenues generated and jobs created from tourism. Binational tourism assets include historical sites, recreational facilities and amenities, and entertainment that can be promoted to draw more visitors to the region.

The 4FrontED Tourism Committee includes representatives of the City of Somerton, AZ; the City of Yuma, AZ; the City of San Luis, AZ; Visit Yuma; Visit San Luis Rio Colorado; and Visit Mexicali.

Currently, this committee is working on a Master Calendar of Events to promote the megaregion events during 2023. Also, the 4FrontED Tourism Summit is planned for 2023.

Yuma, AZ
Yuma AZ
Somerton AZ
San Luis AZ
Wellton AZ
Calexico CA
El Centro CA
San Luis Rio Colorado MX
Mexicali MX
Cocopah Tribe
Quechan Tribe