A $3.2 Billion/year agribusiness industry forms the foundation of the 4FrontED Region.
The 4FrontED Region's Agribusiness sector is responsible for supplying the United States with 80% of its winter, leafy vegetables while also being the largest producer of crops in the State of Arizona. The University of Arizona-Yuma Agricultural Extension offers multiple degrees in Food Production, Food Management and Food Safety.
The region provides 90% of the U.S. and Canada winter leafy greens and employs 20,000 – 30,000 seasonal workers.
Over 150 different crops are grown year-round and the county has 25 fresh produce coolers, six date packing facilities, and four citrus packing facilities
San Luis Land Port of Entry is Arizona’s second largest port of entry for imported fresh produce from Mexico following Nogales.
The 4FrontED region provides 90% of the U.S. vegetables consumed by the U.S.
There's a taste of the 4FrontED region on every plate in America.
A Growing and Advancing Industry
The agriculture industry is changing and the region is seeing value-added opportunities emerging. Livestock production, nutraceutical or food processing are examples of value-add agriculture that will drive changes.
Driving Education and Technology
Mechanization of agriculture increases the need for tooling and repair support businesses. In 2014, the University of Arizona Yuma Center of Excellence for Desert Agriculture was created to tackle agriculture industry issues. Over $1.1 million has been committed from agriculture industry leaders to fund the center.